Gifted Art

Gifted and Talented Art is a state mandated program that recognizes students who excel in the area of visual art.

Gifted and Talented Art is for fourth and fifth grade students who wereBSES Gifted Art Program Collage selected through a screening process conducted during regular art the previous school year.

The Gifted and Talented Art screening process consists of a three-part test: part one—interview questions to gage knowledge and enthusiasm for art, part two—creativity test, and part 3 drawing test. The tests are scored and the students who score in the top twenty out of the entire fourth and fifth grade are invited to join the Gifted and Talented Art program.

Students in the Gifted and Talented Art program receive specialized art instruction in an environment with other promising young artists in an effort to nurture and grow their talents and skills in the area of visual art.
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