Welcome to BSES!
Welcome to the Best School Ever (BSE)! We invite you to look around, take a few moments to discover more about Boiling Springs Elementary School, Spartanburg County School District 2, and the many opportunities available to all of our students. Boiling Springs Elementary School serves more than 900 students including four year old kindergarten through fifth grade. Our school is one of nine elementary schools in Spartanburg School District Two, located in northern Spartanburg County of Upstate
South Carolina. We are proud to be included in a family oriented, supportive community where many intentionally relocate to be a part of our school.
Boiling Springs Elementary is proud of its administration, faculty and staff and their commitment to student achievement. We have one principal and two assistant principals. Our school has two instructional coaches for literacy and one for math to support teachers with curriculum and instruction. Our faculty consists of forty regular education classroom teachers serving students in four year old kindergarten through fifth grade, twenty-two paraprofessionals who assist teachers and students, and countless other certified and classified staff.
Our special needs population is served by five special education teachers, two resource teachers, and three speech therapists. Two full time ESOL teachers who serve our ESOL population. We also have a part time teacher of gifted and academically talented students, one reading interventionist, seven fine/related arts teachers, two guidance counselors, a school psychologist, and a mental health counselor. In addition, Boiling Springs Elementary has a full time School Resource Officer.
At Boiling Springs Elementary School, our entire faculty and staff are ready for the many challenges and rewards of our work in assisting our students to reach their full potential. We embrace new opportunities that help to ensure a quality education is a reality for every student in our community. Our faculty and staff have a true passion for teaching and learning – and it shows!